Friday, July 29, 2011

ETransmit for Revit 2012

At last Autodesk has come out with an etransmit tool for Revit. In fact, they have not released it to the market, but the tool is available at the Autodesk at Autodesk Labs Utilities eTransmit for Revit. This is a free download.
The best part of the tool is that it can be used to archive a Revit project. (We used to have a long list of 'to dos' to archive a revit project along with all the DWG linked files, etc. Now this can be done in one step. Nice.
This is an add-in tool and it shows up in the ribbon for easy use. These are the things the tool does:
Copies the central file
Copies all the dependent files
Changes the path for all the dependent to be dependent paths, etc.
Works ONLY for Revit 2012!!
This free download is available only until Dec 31st 2012. Autodesk might make it a subscription update after this date! (They are just crowd sourcing the bug fixing phase!)
Definitely worth a try.

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