Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Elevation Tag Not Visible

Another quirkiness in Revit.

Here is a simple project, with a cropped view. Two of the elevation tags are missing.


When I uncrop the view, the elevation tag show up like:


The elevation tags themselves are within the crop boundary. When I select the triangle of the elevation tag, Revit shows the elevation cut line and extent that are lying outside the crop boundary like:


Ironically, this happens irrespective of the annotation crop boundary, for eg.:


Also, if the Elevation cut plane extends beyond the annotation crop, but the no problem – Revit still shows it.


The Lesson:

The elevation tag will show as long as its cut plane cuts through the view crop boundary. (this is the same as other views) The cutline itself is not affected by the annotation crop boundary. (But the elevation tag is affected by the annotation crop boundary)

One has to move the elevation cut plane so that it passes through the view boundary to make the elevation tag visible.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Copy Paste Ceilings

Revit allows you to copy and paste ceilings onto a different floor. If both the floors are identical, Revit even maintains the associativity of the hatch boundaries with the walls.

Here is the First floor RCP:


In the second floor, the highlighted wall is moved.


When the ceilings get copied and pasted, their boundaries dont get altered. However, any ceiling boundary that is aligned with the edge of a wall is associated with it. Moving these walls automatically redefine the ceilings:


Moving the wall that is not aligned with the ceiling boundary, does not change the ceiling boundary.


However, if the ceiling is edited and the lonely boundary is moved to the edge of the wall, image

the boundary becomes associated again. (we dont even have to lock the boundary!)


This is a great improvement in RAC 2009 from the previous versions, where some ceilings would just get deleted even if we flip the wall!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

click and drag

If you click and drag some objects in Revit, Revit moves the object. This is the default behavior. However if you uncheck the 'Press + Drag' option in the option bar,


Revit expects you to select an object first and then move it with a click + drag. This is useful at times when some objects may be moved a little bit by accident by unsteady hands!

Even though this looks like a temporary option, changing this option gets saved in Revit.ini file and sets it for all projects, and for all users in that machine. The follwing lines are added in REVIT.INI


May be this option should be made a temporary - session only - option and a separate option added in the Settings menu > Options dialog box.